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Laws of cricket

In general used sense it can be told as, The laws of cricket are a set of rules which is established and enforced by the Marylebone Cricket Club, Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) is first generator of cricket laws  to make the game more disciplined and fair. In total there are all 42 rules of cricket all regarding; how the game is played, how a team wins, how a batsman/ bowler is suspended, how the cricket pitch is maintained etc.  MCC is the private club which is based in England and they retain the copyright for the law of cricket and the laws can only be changed by MCC although nowadays it is always discussed in ICC before changing any law of the game. Some laws can be made/ changed for particular games which can be found at the official page of ICC.
Laws of Cricket
Laws for Players and Officials:  
-         Players of Team:  there a set of 11 players in a team cricket for one side which includes a captain.
-   The Substitute:  In cricket matches a player can be substituted for a bowler and batsman. However a substitute may not bowl or bat only. In case of bowler, they can only act as a fielder and In case of batsman, he/she may only complete runs and the original batsman continues bating.  One more condition is, a batsman may go retire hurt if injured or ill, and can return back after the recovery he/she can resume his inning within the game.
-        The Umpire of Cricket: In general there are two umpires in a game and they apply all necessary rules and decide at needed conditions.  In every match of cricket there is a third umpire who stays off the ground and assist umpire on field at critical conditions and decisions, when umpires on ground cannot decide simply.
-        Scorer of the Match: There are two scores in a game, who keep score by responding to the umpires signals.­­­­­­
Laws for Equipment and Pitch:
-         Cricket Ball: A cricket bal is usually of 8/9 inches in circumference and its weight is always between 5.5 to 5.75 ounces. For a game, only one ball is used and can be replaced if lost of damaged, with a similar ball. It may be also replaced after the request of fielding team after 80 overs in test matches and after 34 overs in one day cricket.



  1. nice information. I also cricket game and even crazy about playing cricket. thanks for sharing about its rule with us. thank you.


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