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One Day International (ODI) Cricket

According to ICC cricket Rule and regulation of Playing Cricket Matches, One day international (ODI) cricket is set of International Cricket which is played between two or more than two international countries/ team having one day international (ODI) status ranked by ICC. The game is usually played within the fixed numbers of overs i.e. 50 overs of each inning and the game is usually of two innings. One day cricket game is always finished within a day that is 100 overs; calculating overs for both team. This game is Limited Overs International game although the team may also play Twenty20 International Cricket Match.

The ODI cricket was developed in late 20th century and the first One Day International Cricket Match was played between Australia and England on 5th January at Melbourne Cricket Ground. Australian Media Tycon Kerry Francis Bullmore Packer established the World Series Cricket (WSC) competition  in late 1970s and after that it introduced many ODI cricket features which now commonly applied, for examples: colored uniforms of players, night match at floodlights and game played with white balls, broadcasting at televisions, different camera anglings, capturing sounds by microphones from the cricket pitch, and other screening graphics etc. Detailed Laws of Cricket

Rules of Cricket
Cricket Rules

Cricket Field Positions
ODI Status Teams
ODI Ranked Teams


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